When logging in to the server, the End User License Agreement (EULA) window looks distorted, and you cant see the text field to verify your email address.
1. Log completely out of the server.
2. On your local computer, right-click on any of the open spots on the local desktop.
3. Click on Display Settings in the menu that opens.
4. In the new window that appears, under "Scale and Layout," look for the option to "Change the size of text, apps, and other items."
5. Take note of the current settings. They will need to be changed momentarily to resolve the resolution issue and then reverted later in the process (see screenshot below).
6. Use the drop-down menu to change the current setting to 100%.
7. Log in to the remote desktop again and accept the EULA.
8. Once the EULA is accepted, log out of the remote desktop.
9. Go back to the display settings on your local computer and change the "size of text apps, and other items" back to its original settings as needed.
10. Log back into the server.
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